Four Reasons to Post

From Weekly I/O#85

Four reasons people post things: sound smart, be funny, look hot, look rich.

Tweet: Nikita Bier on X

To make people share your product online, it's useful to keep in mind that there are four reasons people post things:

  1. To sound smart
  2. To be funny
  3. To look hot
  4. To look rich

Therefore, when designing the sharing flows for your product, you have to make sure you can help your users achieve those goals.

This is from Nikita Bier, one of the most in-demand consumer, social, and growth experts who sold two social apps to Discord and Facebook. To learn more, you can also check out [his interview on Lenny's](How to consistently go viral: Nikita Bier’s playbook for winning at consumer apps (co-founder of TBH, Gas, advisor, investor)).

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