Knowledge Pyramid

From Weekly I/O#79

Knowledge Pyramid: Information can only be transformed into knowledge, then Insight, then vision after you process them. It takes time to think and transform summaries of the past into predictions for the future.

Video: Leadership in a Fragmenting World: Morris Chang of TSMC and Joe Tsai of Alibaba Group

How can someone become insightful and visionary? Morris Chang believes one should establish a knowledge base by following the Knowledge Pyramid.

The first step is to gather enough information from the data. After we spend enough time processing and thinking about the information, the information becomes our knowledge. With more thinking and reflection on our knowledge and understanding, we start gaining insights. We can use these insights and repeat the process to develop knowledge pyramids in different fields, which leads to a certain level of competencies. By combining this knowledge pyramid, you can start to have a vision.

79 Knowlege Pyramid

In other words, it takes time to transform outside information into your own knowledge, then into insight summarizing the past, and ultimately integrating insights in various fields to have a vision for the future. Transform outside information into your own knowledge, then into insight summarizing the past, and ultimately integrating insights in various fields to have a vision for the future. A common framework to accomplish this process is through the Knowledge Lifecycle framework, which involves the following steps: Explore, Collect, Think, Create, and Share.

Another version of this Knowledge Pyramid is called the DIKW Pyramid, which refers to models representing relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.

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