Rooms Razor

From Weekly I/O#42

Rooms Razor: When choosing between two rooms, choose the room where you're more likely to be the dumbest one in the room.

Article: The Most Powerful Decision Making Razors

In the book Mindset, the author talked about the performance and learning zones. In the performance zone, we apply our skills and minimize mistakes to achieve our best results, while in the learning zone, we focus on what we don't know and make mistakes to get better.

We feel comfortable when staying in the performance zone. However, it is crucial to switch to the learning zone sometimes. Therefore, this heuristic comes in handy: When choosing two rooms, choose the room where you're more likely to be the dumbest one in the room.

I first heard about this a few years ago on the Tim Ferriss podcast. But this razor resonates with me again since I just joined a new team. It's so energizing when I'm in an environment where I'm the least experienced, and everyone is so willing to share and help me grow.

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