Second Mountain

From Weekly I/O#92

There are two mountains to climb in life. The first mountain is for freedom. The second mountain is for commitment. On the second mountain, life moves from self-centered to other-centered.

Book: The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life

I like how David Brooks presents life as a journey in the Second Mountain as two distinct phases. The first mountain symbolizes the pursuit of personal success, individual freedom, and self-fulfillment. However, upon reaching the summit, many find the view unsatisfying and they go back down into a valley of introspection and often suffering.

The second mountain represents a transformative shift toward commitment and community. This phase involves dedicating oneself to causes beyond personal and sacrificing freedom. Life moves from self-centered to other-centered on the second mountain, and oftentimes, true joy and fulfillment are found on this second mountain.

This reminds me of something I always remind myself: Optionality is the inverse of compounding. Keeping decisions open has real costs.

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