Skill Transfer

From Weekly I/O#49

Poker teaches us that just because people are skillful in one domain doesn't mean they can transfer the skill to another.

Podcast: Annie Duke on Poker, Probabilities, and How We Make Decisions (Ep. 99) | Conversations with Tyler

Do outstanding poker players make better decisions than average in the other parts of their lives? Annie thinks there's not always a transfer of learning. It does transfer for some very process-driven players. However, it is also easy to find examples of people without any transfer whatsoever.

We can see a good poker player in the casino dumping money at the craps table or the baccarat table. It can be very confusing because good poker players should know those casino games obviously have negative expectancy.

Just because people are skillful in one domain doesn't mean they can transfer the skill to another. I also think that if one person can't demonstrate one skill or attribute in one field, it doesn't mean they cannot prove that skill or attribute in another.

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