Unintentionality and Mistake

From Weekly I/O#51

If all we have is structure, we won't have magic. What we also need is unintentionality, like a mistake. Unintentionality is the real secret of creating interesting work.

Video: “No creative person I know has ever asked for a brainstorming session” — Brian Collins | D&AD Talks

To get things done, we must consider intentionalities like resources, materials, deadlines, and KPIs. However, if all we have is structure, we won't have magic. What we also need is unintentionality, like a mistake.

At COLLINS, they never leave serendipity to chance. They accommodate mistakes because mistakes create rhythm, spontaneity, and a sense of humanity. Mistakes give it magic.

I found the concept of accommodating and even emphasizing mistakes very artistically humane, especially if you click on the video link and see Brian's comments to apologize for a mistake he made in the talks.

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